Don’t be a Content Burglar

We have noticed a lot of shady dealings within social media in the last year or so. We understand original content can be hard to develop and communicate. However, it does not mean anyone should steal content from another creator who worked hard to create content.

You probably don’t even realize this is happening. Let’s give you the lowdown on what’s happening.

People are going to other creators’ pages and taking reels or graphics without permission. Then they post the content on their page as if they were the ones who created it. They are not giving credit to the person who originally developed the content. When the person does this, it is considered copyright infringement.

Now we don’t want to cause confusion, you can still share someone’s post or story, but you can’t alter it to make it look like your own. When you share posts or a story to your own Stories, it still has the person’s account tied to it so people can click on the story; and it takes them to the original creator’s profile.

Want to share a creator’s post? Here are two rules on how to do it correctly:

  1. Reshare the post or story to your stories, ensuring their profile is visible; so people know that you are sharing the post.

  2. Ask permission to reshare the content without their profile attached.

    Warning: there is a high possibility they won’t agree to this as they worked hard to create the content and want to get credit.

You can learn more about Instagram’s copyright rules here.

Still need help figuring out how to share content? Let’s chat!


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